Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

by Kaylee Colvard -
Number of replies: 6

Hey everyone! I work for Allstate and we have a few openings for agency owners to start your own business.  Great opportunity...and commission schedule!  If you are interested in hearing more, please send me a message :) I would love to chat with you.



In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

by Jean Paul Pierre -


I'm very interesting in the position. please tell me more!

In reply to Jean Paul Pierre

Re: Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

by Kaylee Colvard -

Hi Jean Paul -

I just wanted to follow back up with you on your email.  Im not sure if you received my email back to you or not.  Are you still interested in learning more in the Allstate Opportunity?  I would love to chat with you. 

If this isnt the opportunity for you, thats ok!!!  But I did want to let you know about our referral program.  If you refer someone to me who opens an Allstate agency, you receive a $5,000 referral bonus as a Thank You!

Looking forward to hearing back from you,

Kaylee Colvard



In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

by Geoffrey Lange -
Good Afternoon, I am working on my plans for my next step. Becoming a captive agent agent was not high on my list because of the initial money investment. I have worked for State Farm so I am at least somewhat familiar with the captive agent model. I also have a friend that owns an Allstate agency. I would be interested in talking this over with you. Geoff Lange
In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

by Geoffrey Lange -
Good Afternoon, I am working on my plans for my next step. Becoming a captive agent agent was not high on my list because of the initial money investment. I have worked for State Farm so I am at least somewhat familiar with the captive agent model. I also have a friend that owns an Allstate agency. I would be interested in talking this over with you. Geoff Lange
In reply to Kaylee Colvard

Re: Looking for your next step after you get your 2-20?

by Paul Germain -


How are you doing today Kaylee. im interested in the opportunity. Send me the details.