Enrolment options

Building Relationships for Business and Career Success - 5 Part Series CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (includes CP002 through CP006) - by Lillian D. Bjorseth

Cradle-to-grave job security is gone. Building relationships is your key to controlling your career, your business and your destiny from your first job until you retire. You have one thing in common whether you are self-employed or work for someone else: People like to do business with and hire people they know and trust or people referred to them by people they know and trust. To be “the” one to get the sale or the job, you need to create, develop and maintain relationships with the right people to build social capital. Just knowing people is not enough! More than ever, you need to hone and enhance your networking and communication skills to make your interactions meaningful and you memorable. This series of five courses, based on what you do before you work an event, at the event and after the event, was created by the woman the Chicago Tribune calls a networking expert and the Association Forum of Chicagoland calls the business networking authority.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)