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This course is an interactive online study course that supplements the New York Times Best Seller book, The Five Love Languages, by Dr. Gary Chapman. Published by Northfield Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-7315-8. This one book in his series of love and appreciation languages has sold over seven million copies.

You should purchase this book and read through it as you work your way through this course for maximum benefit to you. Just as a college class often teaches from one main textbook, this online course teaches from one text. We encourage you to buy the book before beginning the course. We recommend that you and your spouse or significant other work through it together for maximum impact on your relationship.

Couples who understand each other's love language hold a priceless advantage in the quest for love that lasts a lifetime - they know how to effectively and consistently make each other feel truly and deeply loved. That gift never fades away.

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