passed a test 08/02/2013

passed a test 08/02/2013

by Deleted user -
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Hi guys,

I studied on my own, just the book and passed the test with 80 %. I took the 40 hour class right before the exam.  I didn't know I still had to take the class with 200 hours (I vae 20-44 but work as the underwriter in medical liability so they are making me take 200 hour class), so I 'm here to complete the required hours, The test was very strange and I left not knowing if I passed or not.  I only got one question on calculating the payout under PIP, one question on coinsurance clause under homeowner. I would suggets to study auto, property and commercial plus workers comp the hardest, The most questions are on those subjects. I definitetely recommend ready state manual as many times as you can.

Good luck everyone