Hi Harry,
Typically questions are updated anytime the content they cover changes.
Here is what your instructor has had to say about the course questions compared to the state exam...
...the online course questions in the unit and final exams have the same content as the state exam questions. Be prepared for the state exam questions to be rather lengthy scenario-based questions that are based on the same content materials that was emphasized throughout the course. Advise I give to all students is to read each question twice and make sure you understand what the questions is asking. Many of the state exam questions provide information that is not needed to answer the question. It is okay if you don't use all of the information provided. - Jan Bradburn
I am also including links to other posts on the State Exam by Mrs. Bradburn
- INS-Breakroom -> Property and Casualty -General Lines -> i just passed the 2-20 state exam today -> Re: i just passed the 2-20 state exam today
- INS-Breakroom -> Property and Casualty -General Lines -> Why are there 165 questions, but only 150 are counted? -> Re: Why are there 165 questions, but only 150 are counted?