contact with instructor

Re: contact with instructor

by Sandra King -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Lynne, I see that Ken Toney is your instructor. In your My Courses menu you will see INS007FL200 -P&C w/ Ken Toney

When you click on that link, you will see that he has provided a brief introduction and additional information for his students.

Part of the introduction is this paragraph:

Should you ever have questions about the content of the course, you may email your instructor:  Ken Toney at, or message him through Moodle, or ask questions where other students can benefit from my response through the Ask Ken Toney Forum below.

This gives you a link to his profile, his email address, his internal Moodle Messaging (which allows us to log questions asked) and a Forum specifically for his students where they can ask questions, and he will answer them.  these answers are then available to help future students with similar questions.