Urgent urgent

Re: Urgent urgent

by Leidys Pardo -
Number of replies: 0


I saw your post today, and looked at your log in your course - you can do that in the Navigation Menu on the left of your screen.

Leidys, you have completed all of the sections except Unit 8 and Unit 10.  I would recommend finishing them, and then reviewing the quizzes and studying anything you don't remember before you take the Final Exam.

Your logs are under -

Your course

-> Participants

-> Your name

-> Activity Reports

Another way to answer the question of what you have completed in the course is to look at the check marks on the right side of the Topic Outline (the home page for the course).  You will see a checkmar next to each area (lesson or quiz) you have completed.

I hope this helps.


Sandra King.
Tech Support