Formatting  Samples – items for copy and paste for various courses


You got it right! Congratulations!

The correct answer is:



You got it wrong. Sorry!

Only copy the above line, then copy and paste the already filled out two lines from the correct answer in Moodle:

The correct answer is: text would be here

text would be here

For asterisk - any other answer (then add correct answer word(s) and Remember) –


You may or may not have gotten it right, your answer didn't exactly match ours.

Please compare your answer to the correct answer:


Page number format: right aligned regular paragraph all caps with dashes between:



Question instructions go in Header 3:

The following question is a review of the content on this page. Answer it and then click below to check your response.

Or for question-only page on previous page’s content:

The following question is a review of the content on the previous page. Answer it and then click below to check your response.

Or for question-only page on content covered earlier in the course:

The following question is a review of the content you have been learning so far. Answer it and then click below to check your response.


If a short answer has multiple words, try to limit to 3. More than that increases the possibility of errors. If the answers could be written in any order, you could program correct answers for each way (the best choice). Otherwise, add this to your “any other” response:

There are several words you could have written here in any order. Please compare your answer to our correct answer.

Your answer should match:


Never include an “s” at the end of a short answer (fill-in-the-blank) answer. Always let the asterisk cover that. This will solve the problem of a student leaving off an s but still getting it correct. You may do the same with other suffixes as appropriate (“ed” “ing” etc.)


Other items for copy and paste:



Unit 2 Lesson 3 Introduction video

After watching this brief video, click the "continue" button below.


Things I use when stopping editing, and come back the next day to search for this text to see where I was and continue on. (I delete this text the next day when I return.) :

reviewed and added question pages to here


Done up to here

Copy/Paste items for quiz settings:

You need to complete all the lessons in a unit before you can take the unit quiz. You need to complete and pass all the unit quizzes before attempting the Final Exam. Lessons do not count toward your final course grade (but must be completed). The unit quizzes averaged together count for 50% of your course grade, the Final Exam counts for the other 50%. You need a score of 70% or better on each quiz, final exam, as well as the course average to successfully complete the course.

Note: In Florida, your Final Exam grade is what gets reported to the State and placed on your Certificate of Completion, per State requirements.




Congratulations! You passed! You may proceed to the next Unit.



Congratulations! You passed the quiz and may continue on. However, we suggest that you aim for a 90% on each unit quiz to ensure you know the material well and pass the final exam and State Exam. Please study some more before reattempting this quiz if you would like to raise your score. Your highest grade will be retained for your records.



I'm sorry you did not pass this quiz. The minimum score required for passing is 70%. Please study some more before reattempting this quiz.  We recommend aiming for 90% to assure you know the material well and pass the final exam and State Exam.


Last modified: Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 11:36 AM