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Name: Judith Patino-Rodrigue
Email: jud@judith.life
Phone: 954-8003281
Biography: Judith Patino-Rodrigue is a certified professional coach, advertising & marketing executive, author of Pick Me and How to Get What You Want Easily & Effortlessly, and training and development specialist who empowers individuals reach their goals through proven processes and practices. Her career includes helping individuals identify and eliminate limiting beliefs so they can achieve happiness and success. She began her training career in 1990 at DHL Worldwide Express developing and delivering training programs throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Years later, she worked at Univision as an Account Executive, and lastly, at Spanish Broadcasting System as Local Sales Manager for three local radio stations. Judith has taken the path of augmenting her coaching and training career by building confidence among audiences of all ages so they can better perceive who they truly are, focus on themselves, and strengthen their personal growth whether financial, spiritual, or professional. Judith is a member of iCoach International and other local community groups.
Course Title: Successful Attitude
OLT Course #:
Course Description: This course has been designed to help participants identify the right attitude and develop a mindset of winners. They will be presented with processes and practices which will assist them in mastering the skills necessary to develop a positive attitude at all levels.
Location: Online
Meeting Times/Dates: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Graphics: Dreamstime.com
COURSE GOALS: The main purpose of the course is to provide participants with a clear understanding as to how to empower themselves by choosing the right attitude.
COURSE OUTCOME: Participants will be able to recognize the proper attitude so that when challenging situations arise, they’ll see them as opportunities for growth.
Successful personal growth depends on our attitude; therefore, it’s imperative to develop the right attitude. This course will show you how important it is to choose a winning attitude. You’ll learn that attitude defines who you are, and just like you’re responsible for all your actions and for choosing what goes into your mind, you’re also responsible for picking the attitude that expresses your best behavior for success*.
You will realize that this skill, like any other, can be mastered with practice. Personal development and growth starts with the right attitude.
The module is broken into five Lessons:
- Chapter 1: Defining Your Attitude
- Chapter 2: We Choose Our Attitude Based on What Goes into Our Minds
- Chapter 3: Attitude in the Workplace
- Chapter 4: Feelings Articulate Your Attitude
- Chapter 5 Results Depend on Your Attitude
At the end of the course, you will be asked to complete a final quiz. You must score 70% or higher to pass.
Note: Participating and answering the questions will give you a better sense of where you are and will make you aware of your attitude choice, which will help you each time you’re faced with making decisions.
*Success is the realization and accomplishment of a predefined goal or purpose. Completing this course can be added to your list of accomplishments.
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