GED Course Rules of Participation
Students in the GED course are welcome to take as much time as necessary to finish the work. Certain rules must be established, however, to encourage steady progress as well as assure space in the program for those who are progressing.
1. Keep in touch with your instructor. Your instructor and you should communicate by email at least once every two weeks. It is difficult to evaluate student progress when contact with the student is lost. It is also impossible to aid in that progress when contact is not maintained on a regular basis.
2. The Pre-tests must be taken prior to starting the units in a given course. Attempting to work in the course without this evaluation process makes it very hard for the instructor to assist you. The pre-tests allow the instructor to evaluate your level of expertise in the subject and provide you with appropriate assistance.
3. If contact is lost and no progress or attempt at progress is seen for a period of 12 months, you will be dropped from the course. To continue the course, it will be necessary for you to re-enroll.
Our one, overriding goal at OnLine Training Institute is to see you succeed in this program. We are here to help you at any time. The above rules have been put forth to assist you in your effort to pass the GED test. Should you have any questions about these rules, please contact or for clarification.